If you appreciate my work and want to see more of it in the world, there are several ways that you can help ensure that I continue to have the ability to keep doing it. Donations either via PayPal or Patreon are most helpful and go directly towards my efforts to keep producing films, books, and other materials which all serve to ‘agitate the sleep of mankind.’ If you’re interested in a more substantial sponsorship or collaboration, please get in touch. Thank you very much.
- SHOP // To buy a DVD and/or other merchandise click here
- DOWNLOAD // To rent or download one of my films click here
- COLLABORATE // If you’re interested in supporting a specific film project and getting your name listed as an Executive Producer in the credits, send me a message.
- ONE-TIME DONATION // Send a one-time donation in any amount via PayPal or use the form below.
- PATRONAGE // Make a recurring donation and support me on PATREON where I’m offering patrons an exclusive monthly newsletter and glimpse of things I’m working on, among other things.