Covid-19 – Ways to Help & Resources

  • Kickstarter’s Resources for Artists in the Covid-19 Crisis: Emergency grants, freelance resources, legal aid, and more.
  • Spotify Covid-19 Music Relief lets anyone donate to verified organizations offering financial relief to artists and industry professionals. Spotify will match donations dollar-for-dollar (up to $10 million) made to its Spotify COVID-19 Music Relief page.
  • GoFundMe -– List of relief funds for artists and creatives
  • Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE) offers support to families of food and beverage service workers facing serious challenges, from serious illness and death to injury or eviction. CORE grants help families with everything they need to weather tough times — medical bills, gas, groceries, clothing, utilities, rent, and more. Since 2004, CORE has supported more than 600 families and raised over $4 million. Currently, CORE is setting aside grants specifically for families of restaurant employees who have tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Domestic Workers is providing $400 in emergency assistance for qualifying home care workers, nannies, and house cleaners who are experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This allows these workers to stay home and stay safe. 
  • Feeding America is supporting local food banks to ensure nobody goes hungry during the pandemic.
  • Meals on Wheels delivers meals to vulnerable senior citizens. Their COVID-19 Response Fund will get emergency resources to local programs.
  • No Hungry Kid is working to ensure that no child who normally receives a meal from a school lunch program goes hungry during the pandemic.
  • Global Giving is helping stop the spread of the virus by giving communities on the front lines of the crisis the resources they need to act quickly and protect the most vulnerable. The organization sends doctors, nurses, and health care workers to communities in need and is also helping to get masks, ventilators, and other lifesaving medical supplies to hospitals and clinics. 
  • One Fair Wage is providing cash assistance to restaurant workers, car service drivers, delivery workers, and personal service workers who often rely on tips and whose income is threatened by COVID-19. 
  • AmeriCares is funding the distribution of critical supplies, education, training, and other support for its staff and partners here at home and around the world.
  • UNITE HERE is providing economic relief for working families facing layoffs and uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic.